Monthly Archives: February, 2013

Oporto BizTalk Innovation Day | 14th March 2013 – Oporto, Portugal – Ready to start!

After the great success in London, 140 attendees from 74 companies and from 15 different countries, all story here, It' s a great pleasure...

High Availability Test Plan of a BizTalk Solution – A sample of a real approach

Following one real example of how to HA Test Plan, a previous and reference post about this topic: High Availability Test Plan of a...

High Availability Test Plan of a BizTalk Solution – Methodology – requirements and expectation

A previous and reference post about this topic here  Following are a few tips and suggestions for High Availability testing: Understand the scope of...

High Availability Test Plan of a BizTalk Solution

I’m start to write a new document template as my last, BizTalk Solution Assessment and Review Template, these are the major tracks of the...

Success stories:

"The Personal Trainer program made getting in the best shape of my life really fun. The recipes are tasty and easy to cook!"

Mariana Lima


"Thomas has completely outdone himself with this course. Efficient workouts, delicious recipes and support!"

Jon Pata
