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Create webcast by easy way

I’m starting with some webcast about BizTalk Server and AppFabric.My first problem is… I want record a webcast in easy mode and produce a...

WF3 Types Obsolete in .NET 4.5

Workflow team has marked as obsolete a list of assemblies System.Workflow.Activities.dll System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll System.Workflow.Runtime.dll System.WorkflowServices.dll Microsoft.Workflow.DebugController.dll Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe Wfc.exe More details here  

Update of my BizTalk books park

This is an update  of my BizTalk books park Last read Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 Unleashed Microsoft BizTalk 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010...

Nice Azure ServiceBus Demo Available

Thi nice demo from from Brian, is really complete and well formed. Is based on 1.6 Azure SDK and covers aspects such as listens for events...

Useful wiki BizTalk errors

This is an useful article written by Sandro Pereira about some usefull BizTalk errors. For example during installation, configuration and around a BizTalker lifecycle I have...

New BizTalk Book Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 Patterns

This is a new BizTalk Book, Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 Patterns,  from Dan Rosanova. This book is a collection of real-life BizTalk solutions. You can find it on...

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