BizTalk NoS Add-in Beta version has been officially released through Visual Studio Gallery

Here we are, after six months of work the BizTalk NoS Add-in is ready and the Beta version has just been officially released on Visual Studio Gallery:


NOTE: This beta version is available only for Visual Studio 2012 and BizTalk Server 2013

I want to thank my friend Sandro Pereira (The Wiki Ninja, member and co-founder of the BizTalk Crew) for the great support with documentation, testing and other stuff, we passed a lot of evenings and nights working and crying together in skype, so Thank a lot Sandro!

As I announced in the BizTalk Summit this Add-in version is free, the purpose of this Add-in is to help all BizTalk developer animals in the usual operations of the work day, this tools is for a BizTalk developer expert and admin too, more you are expert in BizTalk Server development and administration and more you will find usefull this Addin, the only real limit to use the addin is the fantasy.

Personally I optimized my development productivity and problem solving of 10 times more fast, and in some situation of 30.

Again, you can find the BTSG NoS Addin in Visual Studio Gallery at this address:

Or you can install the Addin from Visual Studio 2012 Extension and Updates


NOTE: In this case remember to execute Visual Studio 2012 as Administrator.

I worked a lot but I’m very satisfied for the result, this is a Beta version, so it’ s possible to find some bugs, in this case send an email at

BizTalk NoS Add-in Roadmap

About the roadmap, at the first is to release a final version, I preferred to publish a Beta version because the only way to test the Add-in in the best way is to use the Add-in in a lot of different projects and situations, so all of you hints and emails will be very appreciated.

All features in this version are the 20% of the total features I have in my mind, so I’m stilling preparing the roadmap for next versions but you can expect:

  • Visual Studio 2010 compatibility
  • User experience improvements
  • And of course new features

And I will start with the BizTalk Services NoS Addin version very soon too, I love BizTalk Services and I want to develop the same for it.

You can find all the documentation about this BizTalk NoS Addin in:

Or in Sandro Pereira blog posts:

So guys, BizTalk Anilmals, have fun!

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