SAP integration +aid for biztalk , azure connect and adapter pack


In my Integrator’s career I have integrate all systems, I have read many posts, many words , bla bla bla , but not so useful and really dispersive

So here the useful commands list to Integrate SAP with BizTalk, WCF Adapter Pack and Azure Connect
To be a good integrator you must be able to speak with the heads of all departments, including SAP.

This is what you need to know to integrate SAP with BizTalk, Azure Connect and Adapter Pack

These are the most commons SAP terms for port configuration and values..

A three-digit number, usually 000 or 100 etc. ..

EN default

The address of the SAP server

System ID
A two-digit number, usually 00

…as request
…as request

About dynamic port setting these are the important things

For example, In ‘expression shape :
myPortadiSend (Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.Address) = “sap :/ / AS: SERVERSAP/00/100 /”

and construct the message:
MessaggioPerSAP (SAPSend.Password) = “username”
MessaggioPerSAP (SAPSend.UserName) = “password”
MessaggioPerSAP (SAPSend.Language) = “EN”

This is the more useful SAP transactions you need to resolve the classical problems of integration.

To create and manage SAP connections to the outside world and beyond.
To define  TCPIP ports to publish, RFC, BAPI and IDOC.

If the connections defined for BizTalk with the SM59 transaction are correct this transaction should not return errors,
otherwise it reports any malfunctions and incorrect settings.
The classic mistake is “Local logical system is not defined” Occhiolino, to BD64 are usually linked to the other transactions.

If you have the classic error… “Local logical system is not defined”, you must execute this transaction to define it.

This transaction to assign the Logical System to client

To verify the Logical System

For managing partners, this transaction is related to Logical System.

To manage the ports and assign it at the corresponding RFC

This transaction allows us to control all the received IDOC in SAP, is a test tool. Occhiolino

This transaction is most important for the IDOC, with the WE19 you can view all the IDOC.
With  WE02 allows you to see only the last arrived in SAP.
In addition, you can check those incorrect by a red flag.
Click on the flag and we can have  all possible errors, usually related to syntactic and semantic validation.
The different is important:

The syntactic validation is tied to our XSD schema
The semantics are controlled only by this transaction.

In SAP you can run the query (Reports SAP), with this transaction, you can create and launch them.

It allows us to see the entire list of BAPIs in SAP, not only once we have this list you can view the code parameters, etc. ..

Transaction important, we often find ourselves asking:
“But does this BAPI or am I doing something wrong?”
Here the SE37 allows us to make a call and try BAPI.

To run a program SAP

To execute a query (report) on SAP

Allows you to read a SAP table, the structure in OUT is divided into two parts, one containing all the names of table fields and the second the data.
it is necessary if you must obtain data directly from the source

Performs a query (Reports) of SAP.

This is the RFC used from Adpater Pack and BizTalk to return the list of RFC, BAPI. For problems with search feature check this RFC (security permission and other…)

I have reported these are the main ones that I personally find myself using often, if you want to see all the transactions I recommend this site.

this is the official reference site.

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