Tag: Security

The three most effective and dangerous cyberattacks to Azure and countermeasures (part 3 – The privilege escalation)

In my previous two articles I examined two different areas, the network and the storage, I am going now to speak about Azure AD...

The three most effective and dangerous cyberattacks to Azure and countermeasures (part 1 – attack all the public and private IP addresses in Azure)

In many years in IT, I learned one important lesson, which is also my first rule: everything and anything is hackable and vulnerable in...

Azure tools: Aziverso is being refactored

Aziverso is an excellent tool able to solve many complicated situations in Microsoft Azure. I use Aziverso to calculate costs, optimize the infrastructure, for naming...

Scan all public IP in Microsoft Azure using Azure CLI and Nmap

SeWhy do we need to scan our infrastructure? Exposing an IP address on the internet is a massive risk, it is usually going to be...

Azure Under the Hood – WPC 2019 and TECHUD 2019

Next week I will speak at WPC 2019 and at the Azure TECHUG in Southampton. I prepared awesome material, it will be an interactive...

Success stories:

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